Completed Projects

A list of all known cemeteries in Victoria with their locationsA list of all known cemeteries in Victoria with their locations6 Jan 20182 Nov 20230
Casey Rates BooksIndexing of Casey Rates Books24 Sep 20099 Dec 20101
Durham Land Records IndexInitiated by Rosemary Allen in consultation with Durham Record Office whereby AIGS is given access to records not usually available in return for transcription and indexing of filmed records. Durham Record Office sent us 16 films and these AIGS will keep.10 Feb 19998 Feb 20232
Early Australian Electoral Rolls ProjectSuggested by Councillor Ann Stewart as a special project to mark the Millennium, and initiated by her as an all-Australia coverage of the era of Federation which substitutes for destroyed census records.10 Feb 199915 Jun 20062
Heads Of Households In Devonshire IndexIndexing Project from Devon Land Tax Records 1780-1832.

When AIGS was finding records of Devon difficult to access or come by, an arrangement was made with Devon Reords Office that AIGS would index Devon Land Tax Records in return for the microfilms involved.
12 Feb 199726 Jul 20072
Hue & Cry IndexAn index Name/Place/Date of event/ AgeN ol Ref from an English police publication describing crimes, suspects, military deserters etc. including some escaped prisoners from Australia.
An Index of Deserters from this source already exists on CD.

This project is to index names and details of all other miscreants.
10 Nov 20058 Feb 20231
Indexing The GenealogistAn ongoing roject by Carolann Thomson of the Editorial Committee. A vital adjunct to AIGS' quarterly publication. To be published in book format.10 Feb 201114 Feb 202312
Necropolis Plaques - Springvale Cemetery IndexingFollowing advice from a member that expired tenure memorial plaques at the Springvale Necropolis were to be removed and destroyed, it was decided to mount a project to photograph the remaining plaques as a service to Victorian archival records and family historians.1 Jun 20058 Oct 20122
North Yorkshire Parish RegisterInitiated by Rosemary Allen in consultation with Northallerton Record Offices, North Riding of Yorkshire AIGS is given access to records not usually available in return for transcription of filmed records.18 Feb 200515 Sep 20101
Victorian Parliamentary Papers - 1870-1879AIGS was advised that a local library was intending to dump four filing cabinets of Parliamentary Papers. Gail White and Noelene Goodwin offered to collect the documents to prevent them being destroyed.10 Feb 199816 May 20162
Victorian School RecordsThese records have been transcribed by AIGS member Margaret Shields from digitised records done by Mark Grealy. The original records are held at the Public Record Office of Victoria.1 Mar 20178 Feb 202311
Wetheral Parish RegistersInitiated by Rosemary Allen in consultation with David Bowcock, Deputy Archivist at Carlisle Record Office, whereby AIGS is given access to records not usually available in return for transcription of filmed records.23 Feb 20068 Feb 20231